Monday, 21 March 2011

We're getting there......slowly.......very slowly

So i've started my half marathon training plan and so far it's going ok. I went out for my easy run the day after my 10k, did 4 miles in about 50ish minutes so think that was taking it pretty easy. I then did my 4 mile interval run. I've not done any speed work before so was wondering how this was going to pan out. It was going ok until i got to the 3.5 mile mark when my foot started to go numb so i thought i'd better finish up there.

Unfortuntely i never got round to going for my 3rd run as i went for a few beverages with friends (well it would have been rude not to) so didn't go out again until sunday. This was going to be my LSR of 8 miles, my furthest distance yet, so was rather looking forward to it. However after less than half the distance my legs were feeling terrible, they just felt so tight and numb and i was developing a pain in my right ankle that i had to call it a day and rest up a bit. I'm thinking that as i hadn't ran since wednesday that my legs had decided they wanted to start of a bit slower so i left my LSR until tonight.

Went out tonight after work for my 8 mile LSR and i'm happy to say i completed it in 1 hour 21 minutes and 43 seconds. I know this doesn't sound particularly quick but for i think its a good time as if i keep it up then i'm looking at a 2 hour half marathon. Considering i could only just run for 30 mins a couple of months ago and now i'm up to nearly an hour and a half i'm feeling good about my progress and hope that it continues.

Hope you're all keeping well

Until next time....

Spineshank - Synthetic
Spineshank - New Disease
Korn - Blind
Adema - Tornado
Adema - The Way You Like It
Boy Sets Fire - Last Year's Nest
Chimaira - Split
Fightstar - Paint Your Target
Fightstar - Palahnuiks Laughter
Innerpartysystem - Don't Stop
Mammal - Smash The Pinata
Mudvayne - Not Falling
Tool - Stink Fist
Tool - Prison Sex
The Offspring - Hammerhead


  1. Hi, I'm Lou, I saw your post on Runner's world. I've just signed up for a half marathon too, when is yours? Mine's at the end of June, I'm hoping that's enough time to convince my legs to be less jelly-like! Anyway, good luck!

  2. Hi Lou, I was thinking of doing a half marathon on 1st May but my training hasn't gone too well so i'm thinking of doing one on 2nd July. Where abouts are you doing yours? Good luck!
